Score: 266
Claims: 85
Prefered Platform: PC
Vault Hunter: Moze
  • Uniques (Vanilla) [30]
  • The Killing Word - Mouthpiece [1]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Hail - Tipping Moxxi [1]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • The Hunt(ress) - Antelope [1]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Crit - Tipping Moxxi [1]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Legendaries (Vanilla) [912]
  • Psycho Stabber - Borman Nates [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Kaos - Psychobillies [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Star Helix - Power Troopers [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Hornet - Mother of Grogans [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Night Hawkin - Demoskaggons / Rakkman [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • The Butcher - Raging Titan / Loot-O-Grams [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Woodblocker - Indo Tyrant [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Lead Sprinkler - Billy, The Anointed [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Hellwalker - Road Dog [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • T.K's Wave/Shockwave/Heatwave - Dumptruck [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Creeping Death - Mother of Grogans [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Quadomizer - Dreg & Rage [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Flakker - Manvark [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Shredifier - Raging Titan [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • R.Y.N.A.H - Loot Enemies [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Lyuda - Tremendous Rex / Zer0 Bounties [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Frozen Heart - Aurelia Hammerlock [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Red Card - Gigamind [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Rocket Boots - Blue Fire / World Drop [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Unleash the Dragon - El Dragon Jr. [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Fastball - Thunk [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Hunter-Seeker - Dreg & Rage [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Breaker - Skag of Survival [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Dragon - Tink of Cunning [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Elementalist - Sera of Supremacy [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Phasezerker - Hag of Fervor [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Cosmic Stalker -Tyrant of Instinct [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • DE4DEYE - Vice [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Friend-Bot - Arbalest of Discipline [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Red Fang - Tyrant of Instinct [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Bloodletter - Skag of Survival [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Cold Warrior - Tremendous Rex [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Shockerator - Hag of Fervor [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Needlegun - Josie Byte / Firewall / Joey Ultraviolet [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • NoPewPew - Roaster / Tenderizer / Joey Ultraviolet [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Iceburger - Roaster / Tenderizer / Joey Ultraviolet [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Yellowcake - FISH SLAP! / Tyrone / Joey [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Wattson - FISH SLAP! / Tyrone / Joey [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Wedding Invitation - Broken Hearts Drop/100 Broken Hearts [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Terminal Polyaimorous - Broken Hearts Drop/50 Broken Hearts [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Fearmonger - Captain Haunt / Loot Ghosts [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Ghast Call - Captain Haunt / Loot Ghosts [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Legendaries (DLC) [530]
  • Lucky 7 - Scraptrap Prime / Skag of Survival [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • ION CANNON - Fabricator [1]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • AutoAime - Freddy the Traitor [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • St4ckbot - Jackbot / DLC 1 World Drop [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Green Monster - Jackbot / DLC 1 World Drop [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Seein' Dead - Jackbot / DLC 1 World Drop [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Mutant - Fungal Gorger [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Oldridian - Empowered Scholar [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Contained Blast - Abbadoxis [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Bloom - The Ruiner [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Light Show - Lasodactyl [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Miscreant - The Quartermaster [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Frequency - Lectrikor [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Robin's Call - Garriden Loch [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Major Kong - Psychoreaver [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Convergence - Dr. Benedict / Hag of Fervor [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Plus Ultra - Dr. Benedict [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Peregrine - Dr. Benedict [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Critical Thug - Heavyweight Harker / World Drop [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Binary Operator- Heavyweight Harker / World Drop [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Kickcharger - Heavyweight Harker / World Drop [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Boogeyman - Heavyweight Harker / World Drop [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Madcap - Heavyweight Harker / World Drop [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • HOT Spring - Heavyweight Harker / World Drop [2]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Eternal Flame (Moze COM) - Heavyweight Harker / World Drop [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Takedowns [220]
  • Moonfire - Wotan the Invincible [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Tiggs' Boom - Wotan the Invincible [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Kyb's Worth - Wotan the Invincible [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Redistributor - Wotan the Invincible [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Re-Charge Berner - Valkyrie Squad [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Red Card Re-Charger - Valkyrie Squad [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Snowshoe - Valkyrie Squad [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Version 0.m - Valkyrie Squad [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Web Slinger - Scourge the Invincible [10]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Globetrottr - Scourge the Invincible [10]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Aesclepius - Anathema the Relentless [10]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Stinger - Anathema the Relentless [10]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • Mayhem Levels [190]
  • Zheitsev's Eruption - Raging Titan / Maliwan Takedown [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd
  • R4kk P4k - Tink of Cunning / Maliwan Takedown [5]
      Claimed Sep 22nd


After your first claim, your Vault Hunter and Platform selection will be locked in for the rest of the hunt.