Score: 71
Claims: 36
Prefered Platform: Xbox
Vault Hunter: Moze
  • Uniques (Vanilla) [30]
  • The Ice Queen - Aurelia Hammerlock [1]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Legendaries (Vanilla) [912]
  • Carrier - Judge Hightower [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Freeman - Warden [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Star Helix - Power Troopers [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Hornet - Mother of Grogans [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • The Butcher - Raging Titan / Loot-O-Grams [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • The Garcia - Chonk Stomp [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Scorpio - Lt. Preston [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Creeping Death - Mother of Grogans [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Quadomizer - Dreg & Rage [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Lucian's Call - Blue Fire / Loot-o-Grams [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Messy Breakup - Rax [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Red Card - Gigamind [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Shooting Star - Turnkey Tim [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Stop-Gap - El Dragon Jr. [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Electric Banjo - Psychobillies [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Grave - Graveward [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Safegaurd - Big Donny [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • DE4DEYE - Vice [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Rocketeer - Tumorhead [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Wedding Invitation - Broken Hearts Drop/100 Broken Hearts [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Terminal Polyaimorous - Broken Hearts Drop/50 Broken Hearts [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Legendaries (DLC) [530]
  • Contained Blast - Abbadoxis [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Stonethrower - Kormash [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Beacon - Jerrick Logan [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Light Show - Lasodactyl [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Satisfaction - Vorducken [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Robin's Call - Garriden Loch [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Spade - Waylon Hurd [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Flipper - Minosaur / Arbalest of Discipline [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Narp - Haddon Marr [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Rebound - Psychoreaver [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • P.A.T. Mk. III - SpongeBoss [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Septimator Prime - Evil Mordecai [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Peregrine - Dr. Benedict [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th
  • Flare - Evil Mordecai [2]
      Claimed Sep 19th


After your first claim, your Vault Hunter and Platform selection will be locked in for the rest of the hunt.