Score: 22
Claims: 12
Prefered Platform: PlayStation
Vault Hunter: FL4K
  • Uniques (Vanilla) [30]
  • The Killing Word - Mouthpiece [1]
      Claimed Sep 14th
  • ECHO-2 - Mouthpiece [1]
      Claimed Sep 14th
  • Legendaries (Vanilla) [912]
  • Freeman - Warden [2]
      Claimed Sep 14th
  • Night Hawkin - Demoskaggons / Rakkman [2]
      Claimed Sep 14th
  • Vanquisher - Power Troopers [2]
      Claimed Sep 14th
  • Handsome Jackhammer - Handsome Jackie [2]
      Claimed Sep 14th
  • The Duc - Rampager [2]
      Claimed Sep 14th
  • Nimble Jack - Handsome Jackie [2]
      Claimed Sep 14th
  • Tidal Wave - Dumptruck [2]
      Claimed Sep 14th
  • Mind-Killer - Mouthpiece [2]
      Claimed Sep 14th
  • Quadomizer - Dreg & Rage [2]
      Claimed Sep 14th
  • NoPewPew - Roaster / Tenderizer / Joey Ultraviolet [2]
      Claimed Sep 14th


After your first claim, your Vault Hunter and Platform selection will be locked in for the rest of the hunt.