Score: 36
Claims: 19
Prefered Platform: PC
Vault Hunter: Moze
  • Uniques (Vanilla) [30]
  • The Killing Word - Mouthpiece [1]
      Claimed Sep 13th
  • The Hunt(ed) - Demoskaggons [1]
      Claimed Sep 13th
  • Legendaries (Vanilla) [912]
  • Hornet - Mother of Grogans [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Night Hawkin - Demoskaggons / Rakkman [2]
      Claimed Sep 13th
  • Monocle - Demoskaggons [2]
      Claimed Sep 13th
  • Trevonator - Private Beans [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Gunerang - Indo Tyrant [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Smart Gun - Gigamind [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • The Lob - Graveward / Skag of Survival [2]
      Claimed Sep 17th
  • Frozen Heart - Aurelia Hammerlock [2]
      Claimed Sep 17th
  • Big Boom Blaster - The Unstoppable [2]
      Claimed Sep 17th
  • DE4DEYE - Vice [2]
      Claimed Sep 17th
  • Needlegun - Josie Byte / Firewall / Joey Ultraviolet [2]
      Claimed Sep 17th
  • Fish Slap - FISH SLAP! / Tyrone / Joey [2]
      Claimed Sep 17th
  • Legendaries (DLC) [530]
  • Trickshot - Heavyweight Harker / World Drop [2]
      Claimed Sep 17th
  • Critical Thug - Heavyweight Harker / World Drop [2]
      Claimed Sep 17th
  • Binary Operator- Heavyweight Harker / World Drop [2]
      Claimed Sep 17th
  • Boogeyman - Heavyweight Harker / World Drop [2]
      Claimed Sep 17th
  • Beskar - Heavyweight Harker / World Drop [2]
      Claimed Sep 17th


After your first claim, your Vault Hunter and Platform selection will be locked in for the rest of the hunt.