Score: 161
Claims: 82
Prefered Platform: PC
Vault Hunter: Moze
  • Uniques (Vanilla) [30]
  • The Killing Word - Mouthpiece [1]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Hot Drop - Hot Karl [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Hail - Tipping Moxxi [1]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • The Hunt(ed) - Demoskaggons [1]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • The Hunt(ress) - Antelope [1]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Crit - Tipping Moxxi [1]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • ECHO-2 - Mouthpiece [1]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Legendaries (Vanilla) [912]
  • Carrier - Judge Hightower [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Freeman - Warden [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Embrace the Pain - Hot Karl [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Pain is Power - Hot Karl [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Sawbar - Borman Nates [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Linoge - Lavender Crawly [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Psycho Stabber - Borman Nates [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • AAA - Warty [2]
      Claimed Sep 17th
  • Nemesis - Mouthpiece [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • 9-Volt - Killavolt [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Night Hawkin - Demoskaggons / Rakkman [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Sleeping Giant - One Punch [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Conference Call - Judge Hightower [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Face-puncher - Muldock, The Anointed [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Phebert - Wick [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Predatory Lending - Lavender Crawly [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Crossbow - Urist McEnforcer [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Woodblocker - Indo Tyrant [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • King's Call / Queen's Call - Tyreen the Destroyer [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Maggie - Turnkey Tim / Hag of Fervor [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • The Duc - Rampager [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Unforgiven - Indo Tyrant [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Wagon Wheel - Tink Train [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • One Pump Chump - One Punch [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Sledge's Shotgun - Hot Karl [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • T.K's Wave/Shockwave/Heatwave - Dumptruck [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Monocle - Demoskaggons [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Superball - Baron Noggin [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Tidal Wave - Dumptruck [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Mind-Killer - Mouthpiece [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Cutsman - Borman Nates [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Destructo Spinner - Power Troopers [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Devoted - Brood Mother / Alacritous Vanda [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Firestorm (Sniper) - Katagawa Jr. / Red Jabber [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • The Horizon - Maxitrillion [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Smart Gun - Gigamind [2]
      Claimed Sep 17th
  • Alchemist - Heckle/Hyde [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Occultist - Troy Calypso [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Roisen's Thorns - Princess Tarantella II [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Hive - Princess Tarantella II [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • The Boring Gun - Antelope [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Back Ham - Archer Rowe [2]
      Claimed Sep 17th
  • Messy Breakup - Rax [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Nova Berner - Power Troopers [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Red Card - Gigamind [2]
      Claimed Sep 17th
  • Re-Router - Princess Tarantella II [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Black Hole - Wick [2]
      Claimed Sep 17th
  • Impaler - Antelope [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Shooting Star - Turnkey Tim [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Re-Charger - Urist McEnforcer [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Rectifier - Muldock, The Anointed [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Grave - Graveward [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Splattergun - Road Dog [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Fastball - Thunk [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Firestorm (Grenade) - Aurelia [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Quasar - Warty [2]
      Claimed Sep 17th
  • Tran-Fusion - Power Troopers [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Widowmaker - Max [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Mind Sweeper - Archer Rowe [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Executor - Baron Noggin [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Infiltrator - Skrakk [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Grease Trap - Roaster / Tenderizer / Joey Ultraviolet [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Iceburger - Roaster / Tenderizer / Joey Ultraviolet [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Yellowcake - FISH SLAP! / Tyrone / Joey [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Fish Slap - FISH SLAP! / Tyrone / Joey [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Wedding Invitation - Broken Hearts Drop/100 Broken Hearts [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Ghast Call - Captain Haunt / Loot Ghosts [2]
      Claimed Sep 18th
  • Legendaries (DLC) [530]
  • Gargoyle - Dickon Goyle [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Light Show - Lasodactyl [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Chandelier - Bellik Primis [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Flipper - Minosaur / Arbalest of Discipline [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Firefly - Heavyweight Harker / World Drop [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Dark Army - Heavyweight Harker / World Drop [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Binary Operator- Heavyweight Harker / World Drop [2]
      Claimed Sep 16th
  • Eternal Flame (Moze COM) - Heavyweight Harker / World Drop [5]
      Claimed Sep 16th


After your first claim, your Vault Hunter and Platform selection will be locked in for the rest of the hunt.